Customer Interview with Marvin Tong, Co-Founder of Phala Network
OnFinality, a leading blockchain infrastructure platform, helps web3 teams like Phala Network reduce huge development costs while providing operational growth via RPC API and node services.

Find out from Marvin Tong, Co-Founder of Phala Network, on how OnFinality is helping web3 teams reduce huge development costs while providing operational growth for the team via RPC API and node services.
Marvin took us on a time travel back into the history of mankind, to help us connect the dots on how bad actors have played a crucial yet necessary part in the progression of civilisation, and where we’re headed in terms of our decentralised future.
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🙈 TLDR? Take a trip back in time (and a peek into the future) with Robert, Head of Growth at OnFinality, and Marvin, Co-Founder at Phala Network, as we deep dive into decentralised cloud computation, Game Theory, Phala World and more! ⌛🚀
(Disclaimer: The below transcript has been automatically transcribed hence there may be minor discrepancies with what was mentioned in the actual interview.)
[00:00:00] Rob: welcome to OnFinality’s customer interview series where we learn more from leaders in the blockchain space and how OnFinality’s infrastructure helps them build the decentralised future faster I’m Rob Head of Growth at OnFinality and today it’s our distinct pleasure to have Marvin from file a network to join us with a chat on how they’re using OnFinality’s expertise hey Marvin how’s it going
[00:00:23] Marvin: everything great thank you Robert and thank you for having me and hi everyone from OnFinality and SubQuery Community uh really glad to meet you guys here
[00:00:35] Rob: can you tell us Marvin a little bit about Phala network what it does and why it’s so important
[00:00:42] Marvin: great um so in um although we already built this project for over three years but I still remember the first day when we uh you know write down the white paper and set up our goal which never change uh our goal for Phala network is to decentralise the off-chain so um first we believe in uh that in the near future a web3 will replace web2 technology it’s only about why but we never does it will come so based on that perspective we think uh we need to expand the the web3 infrastructures uh from on-chain to off-chain and uh but it’s really hard and tricky a long road you know to uh build the off-chain in a decentralised way but uh this is where we are at and uh we what is our goal so um Phala network is a parachain uh of obviously on Polkadot and uh Kusama both relay chains but um we are not providing the on-chain service from the parachain the existing for these parachains the only purpose is that with that infra we can management thousands or even over 100 thousands of server that providing off-chain computation power so um yeah so this is basically where we are building and we are really glad that we are part of the Polkadot family
[00:02:21] Rob: thanks so from a layperson’s point of view they can think of this effectively like uh like an Amazon uh and web3 more or less right you’re taking uh you’re providing a service to to builders and they can take rather than using some of these web2 computation services uh like a like a GCP or Amazon you’re providing that type of service for people correct
[00:02:47] Marvin: uh yeah in general yes and um uh it it’s a little bit hard to uh define a difference from web2 uh Cloud-native stacks into web3 but I can try that um for example um the traditional or web to Cloud platform what they’re providing is one stack solution means that uh the developers just need to log in you know bonded with the credit card and they can do almost whatever they want to do you know from one single platform for example you can store this data on Amazon Cloud you can do the execute computation when your program you can use function as service uh you can also use Docker and service and uh you can use a CDN you know and streaming all of the cloud services from there but uh in web3 I think um what we are trying to do is not just Phala you know all the web3 builders are trying to do is to break down the one stack solution into hundreds of different specialised protocols and each protocol providing one service but um because of the decentralisation on the infra of these hundreds of different protocols so every protocol is solid and instance flow and decentralise the government so that’s the major difference from what you see in web2 Cloud platform and web3 and what Phala is doing is only to deal with one thing which is off-chain computation and um computation the word itself is a little bit abstract but uh smart contract is can is is we can see smart contract as one part of the computation but there are multi different types of computations as well for example why you want to execute some program you know using uh different data source from Ethereum and Binance you know or Twitter uh this kind of uh in traditional development workflow you need to set up a back-end service uh like a subscription program you know to execute these different data source and database and just you know uh and uh this this apparently have a huge uh improvement in the web3 um since we host the most valuable logic on smart contract on layer ones but in the meanwhile because the limits of blockchain itself so when you want to interact with Binance when you want to interact with Twitter when you want want to integrate with 10 layer ones information together you will find your your hands in you know limit and Phala is born for that and to to to to build that solution we present the production which called Fat Contract and of course that’s where we begin to use you know OnFinality’s service and SubQuery um we think indexing RPC is definitely one of the most important infra to build such services as well
[00:06:19] Rob: yeah I think I think that’s you know really helpful Marvin I think that’s one of the most exciting things about you know what you guys are doing and maybe what a lot of people don’t really understand so much who maybe aren’t in crypto or blockchain yet that there’s so many of these really integral parts of like just getting things up and running from a from an infrastructure level across like any any particular uh you know depth they might need you still need these you know kind of things to power the back end of so many things so it’s like these sort of tools are so powerful but what right now I guess there’s you know we still acknowledge that there’s issues in terms of you know all sorts of things but you know how does um say Phala network um you know deal with issues like speed and and you know processing power and things like that is that um like where where are you at with that or what does the future look like compared to what it what you know how you can process things now
[00:07:16] Marvin: yeah that’s a good question um uh I mean um our team oh at least the founder team we can call ourselves like web3 native people like we we we really believe in uh the the bright future of this and we we sometimes we don’t even believe in you know the the uh uh crypto is born to deal with you know to make you know the real world to bring real world assets or business into the web3 scenario and they’re sometimes we think our website is built for digital citizens and we have this conversation before right so um and and uh of course um the limits are there so for example almost the older applications your iPhone can deal with you know uh ten thousand a hundred thousand a million thousands of TFS uh and lowly you know zero almost at zero latency when you play with the others but uh decentralised service apparently have a trade-off from performance to the decentralisation itself but um we think um it’s it’s still very promising since um now all of the uh web3 Builders uh begin to how to say specialize different layers so we can see how it’s going after forward in another 10 years so maybe Ethereum Polkadot will be the most strongest layer zero in the world to provide a trustless service to any other infra on top of them but they will be the you know the the trust base actually but trustless base yeah but um to that perspective we don’t even need to run any business on layer zero so the performance is not an issue it’s not a problem like Polkadot infra is very elegant right it’s like a trust machine and it’s renting its slots to the business executor layers like smart contract layer or off-chain Cloud layer or you know um uh indexing layer uh it doesn’t matter but the trust itself trustless infra itself is is it it’s the most valuable creation uh in the last five ten years being created in crypto and web3 and um and since Ethereum 2 already launched and Polkadot is getting more and more popular I believe that in um the specialised blockchain will become something um can solve that problem you point out like the performance uh the complex of applications these kind of trouble and issues and this is what we call uh web3 stack so um I mean of course layer one is incredibly helpful to uh to that builders but smart contract is part of the stack there are many other stacks there are also indexing stack like SubQuery or the Graph protocol and there are rpcs stack right like OnFinality and um uh Pink node or you know uh Infura you know all of these in for us and there are data storage layers right like Aave and Filecoin computation layers like Phala off-chain computation layers like Phala um so uh yeah I believe the the future will belongs to a web3 stacks and those Phala and OnFinality is part of the stack but um the stack is built on very very solid ground which is layer 0 or stronger one like Ethereum or Polkadot I I yeah I just I’m not worried about performance issues we will deal with it and we will solve it you know both teams
[00:11:48] Rob: yeah yeah I agree it’s I mean it’s inevitable right that this is the way everything is going and I think there’s there’s so many like amazing uh you know the potential of this that you know everyone sees it and I think it’s just a matter of time and as you say many of many of the things that will happen are just going to be web3 native rather than necessarily having to to take you know the existing web2 thing into web3 with that you know you mentioned um you know several times there about kind of you know this this kind of idea of like trust and you know trustlessness and so on with the issues that have been happening in the last week or two in crypto uh you know and and you kind of been uh um like a really important interface in a sense between or a connector between you know web2 and web3 and doing things uh you know for projects in this way like what do you think um does this whole does this change anything uh or you know so um you know what about the use cases now potentially because of some of the things that have happened in the last week or two you know for Phala does new things open up because of this
[00:13:00] Marvin: good question ah pretty sharp um well um I think everyone who still believe in web3 uh will learn lessons definitely uh but uh the FUD still you know almost I think create incredibly damage in the business especially for the um the investors and institutions who jump in the business the last two years you know DeFi summer and NFT summer and uh it will create more damage on some certain ecosystem as far as I know uh I think uh Polkadot is one of the least damaged ecosystem from here because um like mentioned you know we build step-by-step layer by layer so every layer is solid but uh in short term I think I will it it yeah it is uh something we can call a disaster uh in our business because it crushed people’s confidence in crypto and if you check on all of the news you know on financial papers like the even they don’t care if you are a website builder or you are just vegan you know or trader if you’re telling people okay I’m a I’m in the business of crypto wow right they would leave a bad impression on you because this is what people see from newspapers highlights but uh Internet in longer term I think this is huge helpful to clean out the bad apples so uh this is of course clean out the bad apple is just a step one step two is people need to increase their uh sensitive or you know paced on identify what are the bad apples so how to do that right so uh as we can see you know in the last two weeks most of the exchanges begin to you know provide the Merkle tree proof to prove that there are people’s phones in their exchanges are secured and this is not that while it’s it’s not that principal level in the business before only few exchange do that but not all of them but now if you open up a shop and tell people I don’t have a Merkle tree proof you you’re not going to run a business so this is kind of like good effective from the FUD disaster but um I believe this is just a beginning and after that people will ask more questions like uh can we build a more trustless centralised exchange oh can we build a you know something to replace that to replace the market maker to replace the investment and I think this is really pushing the technology been buying for consumers uh which uh apparently most of people doesn’t care so much about decentralization in the last two years I mean it’s good for DeFi summer NFT Summer but what I think is just a you know um chasing the hype but uh I offered it I believe people really care about where they put their money in and uh the way they put their money in so um it’s yeah it’s a good news for um the guys who are building web3 infra services building trustless toolings building DeFi and you know more decentralised gaming NFT platforms so this is good for long term
[00:16:55] Rob: yeah absolutely I think there was um you know there was there was something earlier this year uh where a number of uh web3 services went down uh you know it’s quite publicised because of uh reliance on on stuff in web2 right and I think um you know some of the things that you’ve seen even this week where people are kind of going um looking at sort of the obvious stuff that’s been happening but then going like a step further and asking more questions and as you say like the exchanges have been doing the proof of reserves and even that being interrogated a bit based on what some people are saying so on and so I think yeah it would seem like you guys are in a great position to when people understand more and more about um you know what can be done and perhaps what should be done by different companies in the space or people trying to come into this space would seem like that’s a great opportunity for for Phala
[00:17:53] Marvin: um one oh sorry I mean just one follow up a source on that is I think this is generally how uh the entire human being uh make a progression right so uh I mean uh people very hard to imagine like a 100 years ago like um the workers in uh you know in Britain in America need to work you know uh more than 100 hours per week you know most of them but after that we got labor protection you know law laws to protect people’s right because there’s so much so much damage happening and it’s also very hard to imagine like 50 years ago or Los Angeles is have the the worst environment air conditioned environment in the world a lot of people like to die because of the uh poison fog but after that you know we value the environment protection so much so now California have very good you know weather and environment and after and all of that stuff so this is like this bad apple driving events help the human being got involved you know got evolved by ourself and improvement yeah
[00:19:13] Rob: absolutely and I think um you mentioned before that you know obviously you guys are one of the basically one of the OGs and Polkadot right like you guys won you know the part of the first Substrate Builders program I think one you know won Web3 Foundation grants and so on and have been a big um you know proponent of Polkadot itself what what’s the most exciting thing to you about the Polkadot ecosystem and like is you know for for the future of Phala do you will you always remain there or the solution then be ported into other L1s or L zeros
[00:19:51] Marvin: um yeah good one thank you so um the uh thing from us um Polkadot is the security sharing to be honestly and of course the modular SDK substrate is also magic work it can help you to set up anything you want quickly but of course it’s it’s it’s it’s not zero cost but still compared with other solutions is a lot of improvement on the uh development side and um security sharing actually I think it’s been strongly seriously under undervalued by people um um let me put them by example okay so uh you you’re just like a a a a senior uh sorry a junior um uh salesman and you walk in a room with all of the billionaires you’re trying to sell something on them so what would possibly happen they will refuse you because they don’t trust you and they you know uh push you out of the room so you are not part ecosystem with everyone here they’re billionaires and you are just a junior salesman but in this is what happened on other like so-called ecosystem uh with also very good modular setup tooling for blockchains because when your secure level is different with any others so the secure level for the Proof-of-Stake blockchain almost the bonded with the market cap on these coins so if you are a billion market cap blockchain that you are level A and if you are 100 Millions uh uh a market cap for your coin then your blockchain secure level is level B and when level B and level A of blockchain model communicate with shorter the effective for the communication will be hard no matter what the magic technology behind it it will be hard because trust is is it’s just a different secure level and different trust uh Game Theory base but on Polkadot the amazing things is no matter what your coin marketcap is but each parachain share the same position on secure level and that creates a very comfortable equally and high effective you know environment for communication for cross-chain communication and that’s why the cross-chain message passing makes sense because uh it it just will be most safe uh to have every billionaire in the room and I know that everyone is you know it’s the same in the same wealthy level so I I know you are taking it serious and we are on the same position we can talk we can talk about vision we can talk about collaborations so I’m just using uh just a comparison guys we don’t actually doing that you know in the room beginners but that is just a sample so uh in technical yeah secure level equally uh secure level is one of the things I think is the most potential and undervalued feature on Polkadot people don’t know that to be honest people don’t know that but uh yeah I think is
[00:23:39] Rob: people finding out now
[00:23:42] yeah yeah I hope so I hope so uh because a lot of people talk to me like okay Marvin why you are on Polkadot alright what is so amazing what’s the difference from Polkadot and other let’s say Cosmos or Ethereum you know beacon chain so I will give the um this example I think this is a yeah this is truth the fact you you do your own research but I think this is appearance on the value and to Phala so uh what we are providing is not on-chain service so of course um it will be much easier for us to collaborate or help other parachains to set up stuff but in another hand um people don’t need to interact uh how to say when you Phala Cloud it’s really simple you just need to stake Phala token and get your resources you host your program that’s it so our service can pro because our service option service integrate HTTP requires capability so it means that we can uh no matter indexing from other layer ones or make on-chain codes to other layer ones the two tracks are both workable so um yeah we want to get it widely adoption on any blockchain ecosystem and we can do it so um just imagine yeah this we can host the you can you can you can deployment some smart contract on Ethereum but behind the smart contract uh some of the smart contract moves and some of the contract management are controlled by your shadow contract which hosting on Fat contracts so you basically can see Phala as a Layer 2 to any Layer 1 so this is what we are there
[00:25:40] Rob: wow interesting super powerful and um I know that you guys are also involved in like uh bridging within the Polkadot ecosystem right like some of the messaging maybe you can talk more about that
[00:25:55] Marvin: yeah so um the bridge itself um so far uh we are just uh to uh feed whatever our committee members need but uh we got uh bridges I mean the bridge we build already connected with Ethereum right to Khala the parachain on Kusama Ethereum to Phala the the parachain on on Polkadot and over we also opened up a lot of you know XCM Channels with other parachains um but what is the case no instead of just the transfer Phala token so far there is no case except except you know just a liquidity for Phala token but we are also developing something more powerful uh to trying to fix something on Polkadot DeFi scenario so one thing I realised um limits the Polkadot DeFi which is a the liquidity on Polkadot is distributed on so many parachains and so many swipes on each parachain and so many pairs on each swipe you see there are three layers to distribute the liquidity from maybe one billion to 10K So eventually when you want to swipe down to KSM you you’ll find okay there is no such pool and if on some parachain on some pair you see there is a pair like this it will you will find out the TVL is just a 10K so it’s uh it’s it’s it’s it’s not okay I mean people won’t use it use it even the traders won’t use it so how to deal with it we want to use the we want to just want to use our bridge and the ability to exam to create something like a routor and with that routor you can almost trade any token from swipe any token from any person any swipe to the B side to the target side so um and I I think in the beginning I maybe the major user on this is not coming from retail people but from like other defect protocol uh for example if you want to set up a yield protocol on Polkadot it also be very hard because you you’re kind of lacking of infra like a router so there are still many things been missing up uh actually yesterday Ray just a proposal uh uh Ray from Parity just proposal uh per consideration about Polkadot DeFi um Polkadot forum and welcome to check it I think it’s very very interesting insight as well
[00:28:55] Rob: interesting interesting and um yeah OnFinality has had a long history I guess also like um you guys have been been in Polkadot you know since the early days and providing you know the the node and API infrastructure I was talking to Luke from from Crust actually the other day and he said that that you introduced uh um him to us and so I was wondering how did you find out about OnFinality and and how do the services that we provide benefit you know builders and the team at Phala
[00:29:29] Marvin: yeah I mean you know in the beginning I think we um it’s the Acala team uh let’s introduced OnFinality to us and um um it’s it’s just something that professional teams or specialised team will do it better than our own operators and uh and it totally makes sense to distribute the task on the best guy better hand right on it so the node as service RPC Service uh providing oh yeah this concept not that it’s called Data availability now yeah DA so DA service providing by OnFinality is is is just a is is very professional and standardised Cloud native so it can help our team to reduce huge development cost and operation growth and the service itself is also stable good right and uh we don’t need to pay bills by credit card but from on-chain treasury which is really feasible for uh blockchain projects right because yeah because uh the the the beneficial is to uh all Phala community members so um the on-chain treasury can cover that cost so these all of these things are amazing and the next I think the next road from from your perspective is how to make it decentralised
[00:31:09] Rob: yeah there’s there’s a lot of um thanks for the feedback there’s a lot of conversations internally about all sorts of stuff like this so yeah there’s um yeah a lot of a lot of interesting things that we’re working on to kind of improve the core product but also kind of that future thinking about you know where is this going to go so yeah it’s uh it’s interesting times and I guess that’s you know on from Phala’s point of view I think there’s so many you know potential applications for this you know decentralised computation rate is looking through some of your material you know obviously things like you know GameFi uh NFTs uh you know machine learning and rendering and all sorts of things where you’re bringing together these composable sort of applications together where like right now or what’s the most um like rich opportunity for this in terms of you know where say in the next year or so do you think it’s going to be like the most exciting thing for Phala or you know is is there a particular area or is
[00:32:11] Marvin: thank you yeah so uh I I would say um um the modular uh programs on Fat contract so um Fat contract is uh the way that you can use Phala and uh it’s a functional server or serverless platform but it’s running in a decentralised computation environment which is Phala Network so you don’t need to worry about any centralised company controlling your program is running by P2P Network so uh but uh I mean uh the it’s it it’s really easy to use Fat contract users and just stake token host your program and the platform will automatically executing it for you platform will automatically executing it for you you can verify the steps uh by onchain logs and um but of course at the beginning I believe there will be a lot of challenge you know because we don’t know who and how people would use it so um we our team be fully prepared on facing the challenge and uh yeah so the next step is I think uh um we want to create a increasing or growth ecosystem on top of Fat contract because Fat contract is uh openness and interactivity so for example if someone set up write up a subscription as Fat contract in today then tomorrow well is coming from today’s program so it’s it’s like smart contract you know everyone is contributing and for the future so uh it will be quite powerful but in another hand we want to encourage the most uh requested uh modules uh been uh contributed in the in the early stage and we will keep a close eye on that as well so this is our first priority job in the future how what’s the best way to modular uh Fat contracts uh I mean written by third party developers and presented to the future developers so this is our biggest challenge
[00:34:42] Rob: awesome and I I saw uh you guys have this Phala World um which is pretty interesting and I guess like a use case that you’re demonstrating how people can use this this Fat contract um can you explain more about that because it’s quite um innovative you know how you can um I think you describe it as like a digital representation um in this sort of NFT universe of your actual work or participation in the Phala network right
[00:35:12] Marvin: yeah it’s a the description sounds a little bit abstract right so uh it’s like a um I mean it it it’s it’s pretty like a mirror um for metaverse so when you check your data profile for each individual’s own blockchain uh explorer it’s just a database right metadata lines of logs but we want to transform uh your um digital profile from this type of data format into a more interesting and lively character so this is what we are trying to do um you can just think like okay Phala World is a blockchain explorer for what’s happening on Phala in the metaverse so you’re not developer you are wizard you’re not um computer provider you are a robot droid in the digital world so we just want to make our community looks more interesting and um adventure so yeah this is what we are trying to do just to feed something good to our community and um you know on another hand I really realised one major uh parameter to decline different level of crypto projects I think at how you can com educate and the the people is the key you know it’s really hard um I mean I believe 90 percent of people still don’t understand what’s running behind Bitcoin it’s really hard I don’t blame them because it’s really hard so I think using the power of gaming not and metaverse we can educate you know people more easily more accessible way to understand everything and this is another reason why we put Phala World as a progression digital progression um mirror for whatever happens in you know onchain in governance in Discord so um yeah this is what we are trying to do up you know a VIP or it’s it’s a membership system in the metaverse but presented as a game like it feels like a game but what are what you are playing in the game is actually you it is whatever you are doing to contribute to Phala from onchain perspective and um you know social media so yeah this is yeah this is what we are trying to do
[00:38:18] Rob: it’s really really interesting and like is there like would you guys ever look at taking that to you know other third parties like as a concept and try and monetize that that hey you know like that’s a demonstration of what other people can do uh you know like what you’re doing is that something you would you would look at doing or this is strictly going to stay within the Phala community uh you know and those people or do you think it’s got more legs to go into other other places
[00:38:49] Marvin: um so far I think the the first job for us is like we we have to set up certain things and make it stand you know make it um be accepted by our community first and when we have the confidence to say hey Phala World is really helping fellow community to grow to educate then we can share of course all of the code based are transparency and open source already but you know open source doesn’t actually mean everything it’s it’s sometimes when people say okay I’m open source it means trust me you know verify me I’m just there but it’s not so after we we can prove that this Phala World is really helping us I think we will try to modular it uh so that maybe we can help OnFinality or any other parachain to build similar experience if uh you want so this is the next things but first we have to prove it work I mean it worked it’s already working we got really good uh NFT sales but uh we also need to prove okay we can educated people well in this system we can set up uh high value quest to be attractive for our audience right so we want to prove some metrics first and with that proof I think it will be easy to scale the module for many parachains as well and in the middle we are to to just to make sure that uh Phala World can launch we almost um contribute most of the code for RMRK palette uh as um Substrate native so um this can be easily uh used by any other parachain as well so I know that for the EVM composable parachains is would be more easier you know to set up RMRK in Solidity but I mean most of parachains do you know in Substrate native level so uh for these guys they can use the RMRK palette and we are glad to help to set it up
[00:41:16] Rob: yeah real really cool really cool and like I mean how did you I mean there’s a lot of people who are um you know in say web2 currently I think you previously worked at Tencent um how would you advise people to either like get into crypto or go from web2 to web3 um yeah interested in your perspective
[00:41:40] Marvin: yeah I will suggest everyone to read about uh Bitcoin white paper first it’s even though you are not a mathematic guy or you know data science or computer science background I think everyone can understand the value from the white paper from the write up it’s it’s really revolution level paper and um my general suggestion is this is the best timing to build something of course everybody’s saying that but this is the best timing to uh learn crypto or learn web3 test the the most solid productions like Uniswap Open Sea all of the DeFi protocols you heard about but never really tried this is this is the time is the best time to have it to try it all after you go to you know roughly sense for uh the value of web3 and blockchain I I think this is also the best time into um to step into the business you know to step into the industry because bear market of course frightened a lot of investors out but it’s also means the cost for everything is reducing these gas fees this competition this scammy **** you know like sorry this is scams because yeah yeah because um um yeah because the market is just you know so down so scams of just a not that popular again but for builders or you want to just study stuff yeah the courses real the lowest in bear market just to try in we founded Phala Network in the last bear market and uh although the major tricky part is you are very hard to raise money but um you don’t necessarily have to build up your own stuff you can you can join in some company in web3 or crypto you if you don’t want to join in the the companies you can also use your you know uh personal time to build something or to participate in some community everything is cheap now and uh yeah and the guys who are still doing a lot of stuff in bear market also you know is really decent so yeah I think bear is the best timing for people to step in
[00:44:26] Rob: absolutely there’s that saying I think when when the tide goes out you see who’s swimming naked or something like that definitely um now it’s interesting times but yeah I think one of the obviously the great things about what you’re doing you know for people who come into the space is that it’s just critical Services right and those things are going to be there it’s not um you know you guys aren’t some vaporware thing you’re providing a really interesting offering uh you know to builders in the space and um yeah so awesome yeah thanks thanks again Marvin great great to chat today and learn about decentralised computation just a little bit big subject um you know really exciting though I mean if you’d like to learn more about Phala you can check out their website if you’re a web3 builder and want to get stuck into Phala OnFinality is the right place um you can check out our website at and get up to 500 000 API requests daily absolutely free and once you’re there you can take your dApp to the next level by checking out we’ve got extensive monitoring tools all sorts of cool stuff always getting better and uh yeah it’s it’s really easy so check out the website and and uh well thanks again to Marvin
[00:45:45] Marvin: uh thank you for having me and uh thank you entire OnFinality team for supporting Phala on this all the time as well and we really appreciate it and love the collaboration you know partnership uh and yeah and looking forward on the new productions for your team as well and let’s build it together
[00:46:09] Rob: yeah awesome no worries Marvin thank you so much appreciate it
Marvin: thank you rob see you bye
About OnFinality
OnFinality is a blockchain infrastructure platform that saves web3 builders time and makes their lives easier. OnFinality delivers scalable API endpoints for the biggest blockchain networks and empowers developers to automatically test, deploy, scale and monitor their own blockchain nodes in minutes. To date, OnFinality has served over 277 billion RPC requests across 60 networks including Polkadot, Kusama, Moonbeam, Astar, Avalanche and Cosmos, and is continuously expanding these mission-critical services so developers can build the decentralised future, faster!